Prerequisite: The Solution
Shambala Solution
A reality, an existence at a higher state of vibrations.
March, 2024
Shambala is a state of balance, and integration and takes you towards:
Your soul
Your universal self
Your Sarathi, your inner self, your teacher
Dissolving your Karma
By adopting nine universal principles of life , we can start guiding ourselves to manifest our Shambala state. Moreover, you will learn how to constantly dissolve the unwanted (karma - both good and bad)
in order to strengthen and grow our existence into Shambala.
It is the beginning of our movement towards the universal aspect of life and destiny.
The topics that shall be covered in Shambala are as follows:
Achieving ALL our desires through:
Perfect compression and uniform distribution of ones’ universal existence.
Spreading the sea of love within our surroundings and us.
Experiencing the Divine Oneness in everyone and everything.
Taking decisions in the heart, executing in the mind and carrying it out physically.
Maintaining confidentiality until the goal becomes a reality.
Unifying the forces of the body, mind, intellect, energy and consciousness.
Learning how to manifest our desires.
Sustaining ALL with Enrichment.
Finally achieving Fulfillment.