Living Aesthetics
How do you define beauty? Is it just external or internal as well?
For us at DRPF, beauty is a synonym of inner and external glow. A symbol of achievement of perfect ‘Living Aesthetics’. It simply signifies how affectionate we are towards ourselves.
Our bodies work hard day in and out. So it is on us to give it some focussed love and attention. Whatever our body goes through, it communicates to us in different ways, and many times, it releases its imbalances onto one of the most important parts of our body, our skin.
Learn how to make internal organs young and well via the Inner Solution:
Only if our inner systems are healthy and young will it give a 100% impact on the outside.
Learn how to outplay ageing:
Become agile, energetic and strong, both internally and externally. Make your inner system healthy and young to achieve 100% impact externally. Let the glow of our youthfulness within radiate out.
Programme Details
In this workshop, we assist you to:
Learn how to demonstrate and apply the ACE to MEF Tools for an amplified Living Aesthetics Session for yourself and your clients. ​
Learn how to conduct Living Aesthetics sessions for clients:
Preparation of your space and the ACE to MEF tools
Learn how to listen and assess your clients' concerns
Learn the techniques involved in conducting a Living Aesthetics Session.
Practice how to conduct a session
Learn the daily living aesthetics regime
Learn how to offer other recommendations
This workshop is experiential in which we will demonstrate in real-time how to awaken INNER POTENTIAL & OUTER BEAUTY to make it a reality.
Please note that all techniques taught and tools used during DRPF workshops is meant to be a complimentary add-on to any other medical treatments you might be going through.
The Living Aesthetics is an 8 Hours workshop.