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To Dissolve & Evolve Whatever is Holding You Back from Achieving  Abundance, Peace, Joy, Love, & Fulfillment, ”An Integrated Happiness State” you need in order to Succeed.


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This is the most powerful LIFE Changing EVOLUTION

What is ‘IT’ that is holding you back?

It is  “Unresolved STRESS Structures” obstructing the flow of ENERGY.
Some of the evoking symptoms include:-

  • PAIN of some kind

  • SPIRITUAL Anguish

  • MENTAL Restlessness & Fear

  • EMOTIONAL Anger, Hatred, Jealousy, 

  • PHYSICAL Ache, Tension, Heat, Cold, Shiver

Basically, it is a Lack OR Imbalance of Energy OR Nourishment in the areas where it is felt...

Eventually, leading to a disintegrated system of body, mind & spirit instead of a system functioning as ONE Integrated Unit. Always remember, an Integrated Unit is Happy at ALL Levels! 


Understanding the Creation of these Unresolved 
Stress Structures....

These structures are created as a result of an event, time, place & or a Person Evoking

Effects, Judgements & Beliefs.


This affects the Spirit then the Mind & followed by the Body. 


Stressing the area due to a lack of energy results in:

  • Collapsing Compacting & Consolidating of the atoms


  • Interrupting the Free Flow of Energy OR Nourishment 


All this HOLDS you back from SUCCEEDING...

OBSTRUCTIONS to be De-Created

  • Past Life Obstructions - Karmic

  • Ancestral Obstructions - Genetic

  • Preconception,

  • Pregnancy,

  • Neonatal, Infantile, Toddler,

  • Childhood, Teenage, Adults

  • ​18 to 27 and so on…

What happens due to these OBSTRUCTIONS?

We ALL have a Vortex Spinning within us. Each of us at a different SPEED.

Creating a TORUS capable of Infinite Energy Potential

Creating the Energy we need to EXIST in an Integrated STATE of Happiness.

However, these OBSTRUCTIONS slow down the Vortex from speeding up... Resulting in insufficient potential to

  • De-Create these OBSTRUCTIONS

  • Get the Vortex spinning again

The SOLUTION is Spiritual Vortex Awakening

In this event, you will receive a guided experience to an Integrated STATE of Happiness.


When you have a heartfelt desire & decision to accept assistance, you will be able to LET GO of the OBSTRUCTIONS that are holding you back. 


Experience powerful techniques collectively and 1on1 with Dr.S.K Ramesh. Some of those techniques include En-Connect, En-Core & En-Merge Process. 


Measurably speed up your vortex to De-Create the Obstructions. Everyone is unique so the experiences could vary. You could have Physical, Mental, Emotional &/OR Spiritual Experiences


Finally Manifesting an Integrated Happiness STATE - The KEY


This is Scientifically Measurable: Subjectively, Objectively & Investigatively

Your LIFE Will not be the same Again

The next chapter BEGINS!


Life starts Revolving Forward


Speeds up & Evolves To A New Progressive YOU 


Succeeding Moment by Moment into MOMENTUM


As A Unique Purposeful Person Professional Creator

& Contributor An Awakened Teacher An Awakened Decision Maker

Here are more details…

It is based on ACE to MEF Sciences & ACE Intelligence


Dr. S.K. Ramesh is an Awakened Vortex, a Medical Doctor, Ortho, Trauma & Rehab Surgeon. Dr. Ramesh has: 

  • 45 years of experience in Medical & Surgical Practice

  • Assisted in Establishing the First Medical School in Dubai, UAE

  • Graduated 900 doctors

  • Designed a State of the ART Trauma Center

  • Started the CME in a young nation â€‹

​Dr. Ramesh began his QUEST to find the root cause of DISEASES at ALL Levels of Existence &


its UNIVERSAL SOLUTION led to the DISCOVERY and Innovation of 



​​To dive deeper....


Awareness Consciousness Energy TO Manifest Enrich Fulfill Sciences


can be applied in


Transformation, Wellness, Destiny, Business, Spiritual, Vortex, Awakening, Creation & Contribution SCIENCES.


And realized that..

ACE Intelligence is INHERENT in ALL HUMANS


Awakening the ace book_edited.png

Dr. Ramesh started TRANSFERRING this Sacred Scientific Spiritual Knowledge to his daughter, Nikhila Tarini Ramesh an Awakened Vortex herself… at a very young age…


She manages ALL as the CEO of DRPF Worldwide also known as Dr Ramesh’s Potent Family.


DRPF is a Global organization dedicated to simplifying Living LIFE, becoming Successful & Fulfilling ALL through its Coaches, Consultants, Teachers, Trainers, Creators & Contributors by Finding, Following, & Fulfilling Destiny for ALL.




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This is the most powerful LIFE Changing EVOLUTION

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the Spiritual Vortex Awakening?

It is being held on Sunday, December 22nd, 2024 from 7am EST. 


Will it transform my LIFE?

ABSOLUTELY! All you need to do is decide, trust & whole-heartedly participate.

You will experience instant measurable & continued transformation. 

It is a SELF Process, so you are your Guarantee. 


Will this event be held LIVE?

This is a Virtual LIVE EVENT. You will experience Wholistic Well-Being & Ageless Glow. However, even if you aren't available to attend, it will still work as you have registered for the event. The collective & individual Spiritual Vortex Awakening will happen in Absentia. As we will do with ALL registered participants.


Why is it so Reasonable?

So that ALL Humanity could benefit.


Will this event be done again at this price?  

We don't know yet. 


What happens if I am Doubtful?

Our Goal is 100 % satisfaction. If you have doubts, please do not join this event in the first place. 

Copyright 2024 – DRPF Worldwide – All Rights Reserved | Terms | Privacy


Website Disclaimer: DRPF Worldwide Events & sessions do not render medical, psychological, or other professional advice or treatment, nor does it provide or prescribe any medical diagnosis, treatment, medication, or remedy. The information provided on and accessible from this page/website is for informational purposes only and should not be considered to be healthcare advice or medical diagnosis, treatment or prescribing. None of this information should be considered a promise of benefits, a claim of cures, a legal warranty or a guarantee of results to be achieved. This information is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other healthcare professionals, or any notifications or instructions contained in or on any product label or packaging. You should not use this information for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before altering or discontinuing any current medications, treatment or care, starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem.

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