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Balanced Life Solution - Retreat

Heart-full Whole Nourishment & Fulfilling Lifestyle 

The Balanced Life Solution will benefit those people who are looking to build a nourishing lifestyle in all aspects (physical, mental, emotional, spiritual) for themselves and others.


With this natural new way of life, one will slowly let go of any treatments they may be undergoing already. This program will help individuals to grow a motivational potential within themselves rather than looking for guidance from outside.

You will learn the following and much more:

1. Nourishment for Weight Loss 

2. Nourishment for Fitness

3. Nourishment for Lifestyle Disease Reversal such as obesity, diabetes, hyper-tension, asthma, joint      problems, cardiac problems, allergies, in-tolerances and so on

4. Nourishment for Lifelong Well-being – Self & Family

Daily Routine:
1. Delicious nourishment – whole and plant foods
2. Health checkups / Track progress
3. Potent Exercises 
4. Experiential De-programming sessions
5. Interactive cooking lessons (as per your culture)
6. Solution Exercise
7. Private consultations
8. ACE MEF Dancing, Singing & Theater activities
9. Exercise, walks, swimming, hot springs
10. Interactive discussion on health and 

Other included activities: 1 free Sampoorna Kalpa Session
You will have 1-year post program support by Skype or email


This 27-day Retreat program is NOT suitable for those who:
a. Have frequent medical emergencies, hospitalization and interventions like dialysis
b. Have mental illnesses/disturbances
c. Cannot physically walk/climb stairs etc.
d. Travel frequently

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